Wobbly America!


With language of almost touching naivite, which at once shows his ineptness as a diplomat, Rex (meaning “king”) Tillerson said in his recent commencement speech that a crisis of ethics infects the US.

In his words, “When we go wobbly on truth, we go wobbly on America.”

Ah, wobbly wobbly, that sounds like bigly, bigly, that sounds like the sound bites from the cabinet he has been kicked out from!  He fits there so well; I wonder what has gone wrong.

Let us remember that Tillerson willingly joined the Trump administration at a time when lies were already manufactured on an hourly basis. His sudden concern with ethics is puzzling unless one considers the facts of the job market. What has changed is that he has been fired by the White House, and that he now must re-position himself for a job in the post-Trump world.

Good look with this, Mr. Wobbly!  We will follow every one of your turns!


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