Discovery of a Mandela on Asphalt Road


“The literal meaning word Mandala means circle, and circle mandalas are also one of the most commonly available form of mandalas. … Ancient Hindu scriptures depict mandalas as a period of creativity, of powerful existence, and a symbol of deeper connection with the self and the universe at large.”

I have been on the lookout for plants that thrive in the most barren environment.  This one is solitary, unencroached by competitors.  It grows unimpeded in all directions, to present the most perfect symmetry.  It does make me think about my own connections, and the universe at large.

Dandelion — Lōwenzahn (“lion’s tooth”) in German — a weed that is fervently purged wherever it dares to grow in gardens, is one of the most beautiful plants.  “One’s signal is someone else’s noise.”  — I used that phrase somewhere in a footnote, but can’t find it anymore.

I weeded thousands of dandelions in the course of my life.  The trick with dandelions is that the root is long and prone to break when you try to pull it out, promising re-growth in a few months.

But let’s be honest: the transformation of the yellow flower into hundreds of air-born seeds is a fantastic feat.  It is an unacknowledged miracle since it is seen as commonplace, not worthy of attention.

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