199 Universe




We have here a stunning display of an ancient civilization.  It was unearthed by the equivalent of raking — the treatment of an overgrown wilderness with a giant fork-like machine, the ones, or bigger ones than those, employed by Bechtel during the George W. Bush-inspired Iraq War.

The presence of oversized boulders, of oversized antediluvian plants resembling present-day daffodils, of archaic temple mounts in this vast landscape sends a shudder through our collective spine.  It reminds us that our present civilization amounts to but a second in the overarching ascent of mankind.

But the presence of Arabic numerals dates this artifact, or rather it dates it in way of an inequality — no earlier than the invention of numerals by the Arabs — except that these may have been added in a later epoch.

But who was going to read this landscape display? Did they anticipate the emergence of flight, of a means of conquering the third dimension?

Fascination upon fascination!



The matter will, and must, be ultimately resolved by carbon dating and an exercise of our power to think.


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