



Fasces = a bundle of rods with a projecting axe blade, carried by a lictor in ancient Rome as a symbol of a magistrate’s power, and used as an emblem of authority in Fascist Italy.

The bundle originally stood for “united, we are so much stronger.”

But the peculiar way the pieces are bound together and fixed, in a straight jacket, so to say, leaves no freedom; the bundle moves as a rigid rod on the behest of a single hand.  A dictator is in charge.

So the idea of democracy — doing things together for a common cause — has turned into its opposite. Yes, they do things together, but not necessarily what they want.

The term “National Socialist” is an ingenious creation. In the nineteen-twenties and early 30s, many people wanted to be socialists.  The fat Kriegsgewinners, those people who profited from the war, were at the bottom of popularity. So for Hitler being for socialism and have it clad in nationalistic colors was just the right thing to do.

But the fasces I found today in the Hudson river were rotten, and some were charred from a fire.  For them, ‘united we perish’ may be a better fitting slogan.





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