is a German-born scientist and writer, since 1975 in Albany, New York. More recently (2008) he moved to New York City. Joachim took writing classes with William Kennedy, Steven Millhauser, Eugene Garber, and Jayne Ann Philipps. He has published several short stories and prose poems in Lost and Found Times, The Agent, Inkblot, Heidelberg Review, Groundswell, Peer Glass, and Open Mic, all print. He wrote several novels. One, AAN ZEE, has been published by University Press of the South (see the page devoted to it). Some of his poems have appeared in the online journals Offcourse, The New Poet and Raving Dove. Many short pieces of fiction (short stories and flash fiction) have been published online, by 3711 Atlantic, Cezanne’s Carrot, Brilliant, Ghoti Magazine, Eclectica, Elimae, The Noneuclidean Cafe, Offcourse, Hamilton Stone Review, Conium Review, Bartleby’s Snopes, Red Ochre Lit, The Duck and Herring Pocket Field Guide, the NewerYork, Microfiction Monday, TXTOBJ, Rivet Journal, Litbomb, Fiction Fix, Wasafiri, StepAway Magazine, and Door Is A Jar. Most of the published pieces can be found by clicking on “Published.” Some videos from public lectures and interviews are found under “Links.”
More about his work (German flash fiction, German translations of Michael Heller’s poetry, photography) is found in the Poets & Writers Directory of fiction writers.
For his scientific work, please go to Frank Lab.
For links to publicity surrounding his 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, videos and transcripts of public speeches, got to LINKS.

With William Kennedy and his wife at a reception of the Wadsworth Center in Albany, in 2018
- Interview with Paul Grondahl of the NY Writers Institute Oct. 27, 2020 (contains links to video chat with Paul Grondahl at the NY Writers Institute and to Nobel lecture 2017)
- Reading of short story (Metamorphosis of a High Executive) at the NY Writers Institute on March 6, 2018

Joachim with Carol Saginaw, Jane Augustine, Michael Heller and Max Gottesman at the residence of the German General Consul in New York, on the occasion of the award of the “Bundesverdienstkreuz mit Stern” to Joachim on September 28, 2022.
- Literatur in Bayern (Literature in Bavaria) #151 (March 20, 2023) contains an article on Joachim Frank — Scientist and Writer by Renée Rauchalles:
- Interview by Turkish Students April 2023
- Berliner Tagesspiegel February 2025 (February, 2025) contains an article on the collaboration with Jonas Piduhn on the cataloguing of Frank’s scientific archive.
[Note that there is a similar section “About” in joachimfranklab.org when you go to “Publications“. In this section there are several online articles and videos that deal with the intersection of science and art in his life].