A Good Use for the Ice on Mercury

The volume of frozen water NASA discovered on Mercury is sufficient, according to the New York Times article today, to encase all of Washington, DC in a block of ice one and a half miles thick.

I admire the creative, constructive use of the material. Boehner’ s face — frozen along with his tears. Ryan’s puppy eyes — they would state at us, motionless, through an impenetrable glassy wall. Lieberman’s pathetic face, frozen in a permanent whine.

The rest of the nation wouldn’t notice anything amiss. The tax on the rich would expire without a fight, to the benefit of 99% of the population.

Transportation of this colossal amount of ice is the only problem. NASA has made a good case for getting more funds. This should be the last order of business of Congress before getting prepared for eternal slumber . . .



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