Franx Fiction

I started this website since nowadays one needs a presence to be present, and physical presence is no longer sufficient to be seen in this nebulous virtual space. So think of it as a bullhorn, as an amplification, as a mic check.

Blog Posts


. . . . worth your precious time! . . .

Zabriskie point: The mere idea of viewing

. Zabriskie point in Death Valley is famous for the title of the 1970 movie directed by Antonioni. I took these pictures long time ago, before the advent of digital photography. What struck me at the time when I visited the site was the emptiness of the grandiose landscape, echoed by the emptiness of the … Continue reading

“We’ll have it fixed”

. “You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians” he added. “I love you Christians. I’m a Christian. I love you, get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you … Continue reading


. Good news: My second novel, Ierapetra, or His Sister’s Keeper, will be released on September 3, a month from now.  You can pre-order it on Ingram, Kindle, Amazon starting August 3. Please spread the word among your friends! Back Cover: Ierapetra, or His Sister’s Keeper, is a man’s attempt to overcome grief and guilt … Continue reading

A museum for Cajal — no longer a dream

. Santiago Ramon Y Cajal was the pioneer of neuroanatomy.  The importance of his early contributions to the evolving field of neurophysiology cannot be overstated. Looking at brain slices stained with silver nitrate (following Golgi’s protocol) and using the light microscope, he was the first to map the different types of neurons, their interconnections and … Continue reading

The Kingdom of the United States of America

. In following the long-established tradition of this site, I’m marking historical events of great importance by an entry into my blog. In terms of historical importance, I feel being thrown back to the day of January 6th, when I sat in the basement of my house in Massachusetts working on a manuscript, and saw … Continue reading

Seaweed Alphabet

. Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard. A sunny day. Trying to find meaning on the beach. It is there in plain sight. The shapes invite us to come up with multi-syllable names. Like o-mi-kron:     Phi-mo-re Es-tru-ma O-ring-que Ling-gum-ten Tran-dong-pim Ir-lo-zen . .

Accidental Intelligence

. Accidental intelligence (AI) is encountered more frequently than you think. This morning, as I was having breakfast, I put my glasses down, and I became aware of something staring at me. Does it have consciousness? I doubt it, yet the encounter left me unsettled: what if it has? How will my life go on … Continue reading

My novel “Ierapetra” comes to life

. My novel Ierapetra, or His Sister’s Keeper is finally set to be published. After numerous attempts to get a publisher or an agent interested, I finally decided to publish it myself.  I joined the Alliance of Independent Authors, and through them I found Dartfrog and its Canoe Tree program, which specializes in supporting self-publishing: … Continue reading

The missing “a” in Armstrong’s step on the moon

. Neil Armstrong, as he stepped on the moon, purportedly said, “That’s one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.”  Now a careful analysis of the original noisy recording has revealed that he actually said, “That’s one small step for a man. One giant leap for mankind.” “Man” — without the article–already … Continue reading

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member