. I was in the back of a car when I searched the internet and tried to write this down in my notebook. The resulut is readablede, I thonk. This is what it says: “A lode is a deposit of metalliferous ore that fills or is embedded in a fracture or crack in a rock … Continue reading →
. YOUR HEALTH IS IN THE HANDS OF THREE QUACKS: Robert F. Kennedy, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services 15 years of heroin addiction. Does not believe in vaccinations for the general population although his own family has been vaccinated. Has admitted to dumping a dead bear cub in Central Park, which … Continue reading →
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. I’m reading a book by Tom Shachtman, a filmmaker, educator, and author of 40 books on a wide range of deeply researched topics, from cold temperatures to the history of the United States. The title of the book I’m reading is GENTLEMEN SCIENTISTS AND REVOLUTIONARIES — The Founding Fathers in the Age of Enlightenment … Continue reading →
. I’m posting Alison Luterman’s poem under this title. We are all heartbroken about the turn this country has taken. The new administration starts its business with acts of utter foolishness, of almost cosmic proportions. The list is too large to comment on with a commensurate expression of seething and rage. I let Alison’s poem … Continue reading →
. This is a continuation of my Accidental Street Art series. The point is, we are missing out on so much in our hectic life. Art of course is in the eyes of the beholder. Or actually art is in the eyes of the art critic. Or art is by definition what billionaires store in … Continue reading →
It started quite innocently: three days ago I sent a word file to the printer; I heard the printer cough up pages in the bedroom where we keep it; I went into the bedroom to gather the pages as they were falling onto the floor. And behold: every single one was successfully printed; every single … Continue reading →
Angelus Novus — monoprint, Paul Klee 1920. Israel Museum, Jerusalem . Born in 1940, the same year Walter Benjamin wrote his reflections on history, the same year he took his own life, I experience these days as being in a suspense quite unlike experienced before. My gaze goes back to the horrors of the … Continue reading →
. New York Times Nov. 15, Guest Essay (presumably upon invitation by the editorial board) by Thomas Goldstein: “End the Criminal Cases Against Trump” www.nytimes.com/2024/11/15/o… Here is a quotation from this rag: “Then there are state charges, over which President Trump will have non control. A central pillar of American democrocy is that no man … Continue reading →