What Now?

My mind is in knots. A man who never got past adolescence, a spoiled brat, who enriched himself throughout his life by fraudulent transactions, who has insulted minorities, physically abused women, a man who has no experience in public office, has been elected president.

This is a cosmic joke. He doesn’t read, but follows his guts in making decisions. His guts tell him that Global Warming is a hoax made up my the Chinese government. He is set to repeal Frank/Dodd, the law passed by bipartisan action regulating corporations to prevent abuse that was ubiquitous in the past. He is set to deport millions of undocumented immigrants wit the stroke of a pen. He is set to make deals with Syria and Russia that will condemn hundreds of thousands to misery and death.

Which country is this I have chosen for my second home? It is a country known sentimentally as a melting pot, but now the contents of the pot has been divided into brown and white — but we should really talk about two pots, one that calls the shots and the other one that has no rights.

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